The Omega II cathodic protection controllers improve the quality of your impressed current cathodic protection systems by providing an extremely low ripple DC output.
In the images below, notice that the unfiltered rectifier system AC component output measures over 8.8v RMS. With the Omega II Controller, it measures less than 0.1v.
Standard Silicon Full-Wave bridge
Omega II Bridge/Controller Waveform
The Omega II cathodic protection controller can be installed in new cathodic protection rectifiers, or a replacement is available for existing CP rectifier units. With this technology from JA Electronics, the output power to your protected structures has 5% or less output ripple, compared to 45% ripple on standard units.
The patented Omega II technology has been proven in industrial drives, UPS Systems, and other critical reliability applications. Today it is installed in all JA Electronics solar-powered impressed current cathodic protection systems. And you can put it to work in your corrosion prevention system.
Learn more about impressed current cathodic protection systems from our partner MATCOR.