Need rectifiers fast for your cathodic protection project? Check out our NEMA-3R air-cooled quick-turn rectifiers—they ship in just 2-3 days.
Custom air cooled rectifiers from JA Electronics bring quality and durability to your corrosion prevention project. Heavy duty transformers are used, with 20% over-design capacity on all rectifiers. Contact us with your project specifications.
Front and side doors swing open on hinges, and are also removable, for maximum serviceability. Clear Lexan safety cover and separate DC output volt and amp meters.
The Swingout series of cathodic protection rectifiers offers JA Electronics quality in a convenient, easy access enclosure. All components mounted on removable chassis. Clear Lexan safety cover and separate DC output volt and amp meters.
The Econoline SD single-door air cooled rectifier from JA Electronics offers low initial cost, and is powered by dual AC input voltage. All components are mounted on a single removable chair-rack assembly. Standard features include pole mounting; contact us for base, wall, or platform mounting.
The Econoline UT air cooled rectifier series is designed for pole or wall mounting, and powered by a single AC input voltage. Standard features include a single combination volt/amp meter. Designed for space-critical applications; all rectifier components are mounted on a removable rack assembly.